Winter was here…

The year 2018 was a pretty good one, and the positive vibe that began building up that year seems to continue. The summer was the hottest in many years, which was nice. Then came the winter, and it was pretty long and dark and cold and depressing. I’m not really depressed like, ever, but maybe the darkness did cause something similar because life was just work, eat, sleep and… that was it. No writing, music or stuff like that happened.

There was also snow for a change, which is not that usual in the Helsinki region anymore. Snow is nice in someways, not so fun in others – like I live in an apartment with a balcony that isn’t roofed so having to shovel the snow off the balcony was a thing that happened this year. Yep, a small thing, but I’ve got to complain about something! So, that was my excuse for not having written any blog posts for a long time.

There are many positive sides to winter in Finland though! Such as… well, not having to cope with big-ass spiders outside or inside the house, which is a big plus. Or poisonous snakes. Or sharks. Or aggressive hippos. Wildlife in general doesn’t try to kill you, so there are many good sides to living here.

It’s just a question of looking at things positively, even if you have to shovel snow from your balcony every now and then.